Saturday, April 21, 2007

Tagged...And I Stole the Formatting Too.

Alphabet Scoop Meme
~courtesy of Macarena

vailable or single: Invoking the 5th Amendment on this one.
Best friend: I can't pick. I have great friends. I love them all.
Cake or pie: Cake! Pie crust is disgusting.
Drink of choice: Dry red wine.
Essential item: Baby oil gel.
Favorite color: Blue.
Gummi Bears or Worms: Bears
Hometown: Washington, DC.
Indulgence: DSW.
January or February: February has better sales.
Kids: Other people's.
Life is incomplete without: Intimacy.
Marriage date: Been there. Done that. Burnt the T-shirt. Cursed be November 2oth.
Number of siblings: One.
Oranges or apples: Oranges.
Phobias/fears: Miscarriage. Incarceration.
Quote, favorite: Temptation resisted is pleasure lost.
Reasons to smile: See B, spring is back, new job, chocolate
Season: Fall.
Tag three: Katrice, Let's Pretend, Black Jack Bauer.
Unknown fact about me: I've never seen The Godfather.
Vegetarian or oppressor of animals: Must you put it like that? Oppressor.
Worst habit: Walking out of my clothes and leaving them on the bathroom floor or sporadic flossing.
X-rays or ultrasounds: Ultrasounds...but the full bladder part sucks.
Your favorite foods: Free.
Zodiac: Gemini.


Black Jack Bauer said...

You're going to kill me - but I changed my blog title...again.

Black Jack Bauer is now...

"Because Knowing Is Half The Battle".

My name is still Black Jack Bauer - but I thought the title was a little better and more descriptive.

No need to update the link - the URL hasn't changed.

Oh - and uh, damn. Burnt the shirt? To quote Rick James, that's coooooooold bloooded!

Your dude,

heartinsanfrancisco said...

Too bad you can't burn the memories, too.

jali said...

OMG - pie crust is the best!

I went into shock after reading your comment and I can't remember anything else you wrote.

I'm calming down now. (I get worked up over some crazy stuff sometimes)