Friday, January 20, 2006


I don't have a sister, technically. But there are definitely some awesome women in my life who have more than made up the difference. Here are a few of them.

The thing I love most about sister-friends is that you can be at the top of your game or a total jerk and they still love you, laugh with you, cry with you...and call you out when you know you have completely bumped your head!

When you've surrounded yourself with the right ones, you've got a safe space to learn who you are and to just be in the process.

There are quite a few of you missing from this shot. Send me pics so I can show you off to the world.

You girls rock!!

(Who needs men? LMBO!)

1 comment:

katrice said...

Amen to the sister thing! I have only one sister, (that I really know, but that's a different blog for a different day), and I've felt like a mother to her most of her life, thanks to the 13-year age difference. However, the older she has gotten, the more the dynamics of our relationship have changed, and I honestly have fun with her and enjoy her company and presence in my life because of the person she is and not just because of our relation.

As for my sister-friends, I have newly discovered this idea, since as a younger person I didn't dig women too tough. I found most women to be catty and insecure. But God has delivered me from myself, halleluJAH -- LOL.

Alexis, Chi, Aldrena, Shellie, Darling, Sonya-Marie, and Johnetta have made a believer out of me once again. We really can love one another in Christ and not hate on each other's hair, dress size, income, talent, husband, or singleness. Love you girls!

Lexi, a pic is on the way.