Thursday, June 22, 2006


Why are men pigs? I’m sorry for the generalization, but if you read on you’ll see that it’s not mine alone.

I just got on the elevator to get lunch. There were 3 middle-aged (I believe this is a safe assumption) Arab men on the elevator already engaged in conversation. Here’s what I walked in on:

Man 1: So, why do you shave your beard?
Man 2: My wife doesn’t really like it.
Man1: What about the girlfriend?
Man 2: What girlfriend? I don’t have any girlfriend?
Man 1: Why not?
Man 2: Wife wouldn’t like it.
Man 1: You don’t tell her. You just make (get) one!
Me: (Make eye contact with Man 1 and roll my eyes in annoyance.)
Man 3: I’m sorry, just having
some “man conversation”.

Is THAT what “man conversation” is all about? PIGS!!!

1 comment:

Lex said...

Mc-mutt, you ARE troubled!