Monday, June 12, 2006

Travel Excitement

Today I'm re-thinking my excitement about traveling. If it weren't for bad luck I would have no luck at all as far as my travels go. I'm in Miami this week. As you can see from the track of Alberto above, we dodged the bullet. But, check out the track of the storm. I'm scheduled to fly out of here Wednesday night. What do you think the chances are that yet another of my flights this month will be cancelled and leave me stuck in an airport, again? (Minneapolis, Miami?) We'll see. I'll tell you this - If the flight out is going to be anything like the turbulence we experienced on the way here, I will cancel my own flight and drive! Man, I thought we were going to fall right out of the sky.

The good news: I packed in 20 minutes or so. The bad news: I still packed too much. But, I'm getting better.

Let's see when I make it home! Enjoy the rain. It's headed home.

Peace and downpours!


katrice said...

Maybe everything will be over by the time you get ready to head home. I heard this morning that it hit landfall sooner than expected, so maybe it'll hurry up and move on out quickly.

At any rate, I pray that you have safe travels back home... and on time!

Anonymous said...

Safe travels! I hope I can still get out to Texas!!