Monday, February 05, 2007


it is 20 degreees right now. it is -46546 with tht wind chill. i can't type becausw there's no heat in my office and I have gloves on!!! that's right--no heat. today. the coldest day of the year. i WANNA GO home!


Andy said...

You're such a weather weenie!

I got up this morning with -4... and it didn't get ABOVE zero until 1:00pm today.

Right now it's all of 8 degrees.

If it were 20 HERE, I'd be outside in shorts rolling around in the parking lot getting some sun & warmth.

LOL... ok, maybe not. But 20 actually sounds a bit toastier than 8.


Lex said...

@ Andy

And that, my dear, is why I'm not moving to Indiana. I'll stay a weenie. That beats freezing it off.

Andy said...

LOL! Ok, I really can't blame you!!!

Anonymous said...

It had better be warmed up by the time I visit that side in April.