Sunday, April 29, 2007

Getting My Groove On

I've been bitten anew by the salsa bug. I haven't danced regularly in years, but I went out Friday night and now it's all I want to do with my weekends. I'm about to go spend 3.5 hours in classes and then dance the rest of the night away. I'm obsessed. I even bought proper dance shoes yesterday.

I'm finally going to bite the bullet and start taking salsa on2 classes, New York-style salsa. I mostly dance Cuban-style salsa, Rueda de Casino.

I'm so out of shape, but hey, a girl has to start somewhere. Today I'll be dancing at a dance studio as opposed to a club so, at least I won't reek of smoke afterwards. That was the gross part of Friday night. I can stand the smoke in isolation at times, but smoke on top of me being sweaty and contributing my own funk is more than I can handle.

OK. Here's a little demonstration for your viewing pleasure.


Anonymous said...

That looks awesome. Have a great time!

James Burnett said...

Hey! I thought the video was gonna be of you. I tried salsa lessons once, but I swear the instructor kicked me off the dance floor 'cause I kept stepping on my partner's feet. I broke this woman's big toe nail. She was pissed. I gave up on fancy dancing after that and settled with bobbing my head, Night at the Roxburry style.

jali said...


Great way to have a ball! Good for you.

Island Spice said...

Even got the shoes eh? does the class have men as cute as the ones in the club?? just asking...

adore the label 'why I love my life right now'.. good for u :)

Anonymous said...

Excellent! I've hardly danced salsa in thge last few years and it's been even longer since I danced rueda... you've made me miss it so much that this saturday, I'd better give Irie Latino a visit!

Black Jack Bauer said...

I took Salsa lessons a few months ago and enjoyed it a lot. The women outnumbering the men 3 to 1 might have had something to do with it (smile).

When are we getting that drink, mon ami?