Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Weigh - In

Today was the day of the official weigh in! Last night I made the decision not to try to trick the scale by doing stupid stuff like starving or not eating what I really wanted (Hershey's kisses and a beer.) I'm glad I was honest. No point in playing mind games with myself on this issue, or anything else, anymore.

The verdict: -1 lb. , -.6% body fat!

Not huge changes, but considering my 2 week hiatus from working out, I was pleased. I actually expected no change which, for me, would have been fine given that I had my normal stress reaction over the last two weeks: death by overeating. (I don't want to give the impression that I shovel gallons of ice cream in my mouth under the covers and hide candy bars in my glove compartment...That's just not the case. It's just that when I get stressed, I'm not likely to cook or make other generally healthy food choices.) I ate way too much fast food last week, so I'm glad to have made some progress in spite of it all.

And, I have worked out every day this week so far! I think I'm back on track.

Next weigh in: August 30th.


katrice said...

Congratulations!!! You are an inspiration to us all. I just took the stairs, thanks to you.

KMF said...

Congrats Lexi! 1 pound is a start to the avalanche.

Lex said...


You just WANT to get cursed out!!!!

katrice said...

Mutt has no idea what will set a woman off, does he?

You're on dangerous ground, Sir! Such unnecessary roughness.

Ardent, get your man... PLEASE!

Lex said...

@ katrice

He knows EXACTLY what will set a woman off...and that's why he said it!

But, it is kinda funny that at this rate it will take 4 years to reach my goal! I'll take the motivation any way it comes. LOL

Andy said...

Lexi already hates me... so I shouldn't say anything either. And she'll probably track me down and have me killed when she reads what I posted last night.

Anyone know where I can find a good bodyguard? ;-)

Lex said...

@ Andy

I DO hate you. And now that you've brought it up. Here's why all:

Read the whole, aggrevating saga!!!

Lex said...

OH!!! Even worse. Read Andy's 8/2/06 post!!!

Unknown said...

Congratulation friend, it's a big deal. Every bit counts.