Friday, September 08, 2006

Good Soup, Good Crackers, Good Music, Good Weekend

Last Friday night I made soup, roasted red pepper and lentil soup, because it was rainy and I was having friends over to play cards and eat homemade soup and crusty bread.

This Friday night I'm making soup, chicken vegetable soup, because I'm sick and there's no one to make it for me.

Last night while shopping for the ingredients, I realized that I'm a cracker snob. I need great crackers with my soup, or tuna salad, or whatever. Ordinary just won't do. No Ritz, no Club, no Saltines, no Townhouse. I need crackers with substance and flavor. The best my local grocer had were Breton Garden Vegetable. I haven't been to Trader Joe's in a month or so, so I'm all out of the extra special ones.

I think I'm going to make cornbread muffins to go with the soup tonight anyway. That's the way Granny would do it.

Parliament is in town tonight. I'm supposed to go see them, but I'm not feeling up to it. I hope I muster the strength. And then there's a free jazz festival all day tomorrow. I really want to go to that. A bunch of other artists and Spyo Gyra will be there. I'm so attracted to free. Guess which one I'm picking if I have to choose?

Otherwise, I want to sleep this weekend. This has been a stressful week. There's craziness with ex stuff going on that I haven't mentioned, but I need to decompress. Big. Time.

Have a good weekend!


katrice said...

Hey, I'm doing chicken soup too, since I've gone and passed my germs to the never-sick girl-child now. I'm so sorry! You can come over for some of our soup, but I don't know if it'll be as good as yours. Feel free to take your chances.

Andy said...

Oh wow... if you're not careful, you're going to force me to make another food post!

There's NOTHING like homemade soup. But I gotta say... the cornbread is what makes it complete. Mmmmmmmm!!!

PARLIAMENT!! Wow, I'd love to see that. I'm a HUGE fan of 70's era funk bands, and if George Clinton is gonna be with them in person, then it'd definitely be worth getting out and seeing... sick or not! (In my humble opinion!)

Spyro Gyra was at our local jazz fest this year too. If you've never seen them live, they ALWAYS bring the house down. GO SEE THEM!

I have a video tape you need to see... it has every huge soul & funk band from the 60's & 70's in a live concert that was filmed in the late 90's. Even after all those years, these people still had their chops, and it was nothing short of amazing. The Ohio Players pretty much blew me away! Then Gladys Knight came out (without the Pips)... and she's still got IT.

Man, I gotta dig out that tape now!

Sounds like you're feeling at least a little bit better. Hope you have the chance to get out and have some fun!

Anonymous said...

Hey! Where is this soup you speak of? Where are the muffins? Where is the phone call saying it's ready??? I'm so confused! I'm calling you right now.

Um... Permission to speak freely please? Andy, I want that tape! You sound like my kinda guy, man! Good taste in food, good taste in music... if you weren't so darn skinny, we could hang out! LOL

Thanks, Lex, for permission to talk to Andy on your comment page.

Steve H said...

oh, i hope you went to see Parlaiment!

Lex said...

@ Katrice

I'm sure your soup was great. I'm making mine today. Come eat.

@ Andy

I ended up having to take my car to the mechanic last night. No Parliament. And, I'm loving lounging around the house today. Spyro Gyra's not on until 9. I might get down there. But, I'm feeling like being home today. I don't know what this is that I have, but it comes with random breakthrough headaches.

And, email me for my P.O. Box so I can borrow that tape! Hmmm. Then I guess I should dust off the VCR. LOL.

@ Kwesi

Come for soup tonight.

I don't remember granting permission. You're still taking liberties with my comments. You might need a taster for YOUR soup!


Welcome. I don't think I've seen you here before. I've been a voyeur on your site, but I don't think I've left any comments.

Please come back. I missed Parliament :-(.

KMF said...

YOU MISSED PARLIAMENT??!?! Lexi....Nothing short of the Noro Virus would have kept me away from the FUNK!! I hope you feel better. :) Love ya!

Anonymous said...

hehe, i agree with kmf (LOL)....getting all funky with Parliament prolly would've cured your sickness...seriously :o).