Saturday, September 30, 2006

Just Rambling...

Yesterday was nearly a perfect day. I woke up in time to actually make breakfast, have free coffee at home, shower and get off to work. I'm not a morning person. I go to work at 10am. So, when I have to get up early, I am reminded of how much can actually get accomplished in the tender hours of the morning. Still, I prefer to only see them on occasion. Wouldn't want them to lose their charm.

My self-talk surprised me pleasantly as I was getting out of the shower. "Don't forget your vitamin, Beautiful Lady," I say to myself. That shocked me. I can't explain why, but it was a pleasant shock. I wish I could download my self-talk and analyze it. Most of the time I don't think I really notice it, or pay much attention, but this caught my attention. It was a cute little shot in the arm. Reminds me of the comedian who insists that, "They call it self-esteem for a reason!"

Work went fine. I got a copy of some papers that were particularly exciting. It feels so amazing to be making progress in the right direction. I did some more research into law schools. I spent all day Thursday in a training for preparing T-visa petitions for victims of human trafficking. I am extremely attracted to this area of law. It's in the hopper with all of the other things I want to do when I grow up, but I actually think immigration law, with some degree of practice devoted to human rights/women's rights contexts would be a pretty efficient amalgamation of my disparate skills. Who knows? First step, freedom. And it's on the horizon.

After work I went out to dinner and salsa dancing with my prima and a few of her friends. It was so much fun. I hate going dancing when I don't have interested friends going with me. But when everyone's into it, it's so much fun. Let me pause here and make a cultural observation. I prefer going out with foreign men. They are such gentleman and though many women may be offended by this, I like they fact that they buy all of your drinks and those of the women you're with. I've encountered this many times now and I like it. I like going out dancing with my girlfriends and have a guy assume that if he buys one of us a drink, he buys for all of us. I don't feel entitled to this, but I appreciate it. It's why I like the salsa scene so much. Such diversity. Last night I danced with a German, an Italian, a Mexican, a West Virginian, and the rest--I don't know. Have I mentioned before that I love meeting different people? LOL.

One question? Why do people go to salsa clubs if they don't want to dance, or even learn? They take up space and get stepped on. I stepped on one gawker's ankle last night. He later told me that he'd had surgery in that exact spot. I apologized profusely, as I had done when it occurred. He then informed me that he was going to sue me. I smiled and nodded and rubbed his shoulder while saying, "OK, you do that," in the most patronizing manner I could muster. Asshole. Dance! That way you're not a sitting duck to get stepped on. Much harder to hit a moving target.

And, I'm getting old. I'm starting to appreciate the first shift of the dancers, you know, the ones who get in before they start charging a cover. I guess we got to the club at about 9 or so, and by the time they were charging a cover and there was no room to turn around, I had successfully sweat out my hair and the waistband of my pants and was ready to go. Somehow I still didn't get to bed until 2:30am. That's about the same time I woke up this afternoon, 2:30. I love the weekend.

I fail to understand why people cram their weekends full of activities. I've done all the running around I plan to do by Friday night. I might do a little shopping (groceries and such), but a day full of must-dos is a no-no for me on the weekend. Sleep is an under-appreciated pastime. I'm actually waiting for my new living room TV to be delivered, so I can put the one I currently have in the living room in my bedroom where it belongs. That way I can watch FoodTV from the comforts of my bed all weekend if I want. I really want to make my bedroom more of a sanctuary, but I don't have the money at the moment to make it more than a clean comfortable place to rest. In time. In time.

And the last randomness for today, I've been picking out artwork for my apartment. My place is extremely colorful (I'll take pics and upload them later on). But I want to go with black and white photography on the walls for balance. Again, I have no money, so I'm stuck with framing my buys from

Here's some of what's in my shopping cart. Eventually I'll figure out how to pay for it all when I click "checkout".


~Macarena~ said...

Naked people! Whoo-hoo! Does allposters have a wishlist or some way you can have your readers buy you stuff?

I used to think any hour before noon was ungodly. I still prefer to go to bed late than get up early. But I too know that if I get up early, I can accomplish more. Still, promise of a nap or fear of a headache when I stay in bed too long just doesn't motivate my sweet ass. I'm going to have to set the alarm on weekends and force myself up all seven days. (Don't cry for me, Argentina.)

Great self-talk.

Lex said...

@ ~m~

I love bodies. So much beauty to behold.

I have never experienced the "slept too long" headaches. But I've heard of them. LOL

How do you get the links in the comments? You're quite savvy, you know?

Lex said...

Oh, and just suggested the wish list feature to Good idea.

~Macarena~ said...

Dude! "~m~" is SO much better than "Mac"! I almost put that on my secrets: I don't know how to tell nice people not to call me "Mac."

Thanks for thinking me savvy. I wish I could change my template more or list recent comments strictly chronologically and not just for the first page.

I got the text-embedding HTML code here. I find the example-in-action confusing. I replaced the URL with "URL" and the "" with "Text" and memorized it. This looks good, too.

Headaches: Then, like a dumbass, I don't take drugs, and it lasts all day! I took three Tylenols before dinner, and I feel better. I prefer aspirin, but it expired.

~Macarena~ said...

Naked hottie. [Sigh]

KMF said...

Lex...I can save you money and get your pics! I am willing to donate my body by taking nakey pics of me and printing them out in black and white for you!! I will do a trio "shower scene" (I am sure I can get most of the shots shown in the post sans men) to go in your bathroom and maybe just a huge "nip" pic for your bedroom above your bed. You will be greated by a beautiful "rose" every time you walk into your "sanctuary". Now you just let me know, left or right?!?!?! ;)

Lex said...


WHAT am I going to do with you?????

Actually, my body stuff is weird. I'm not interested in nakey for nakey's sake. There needs to be something particularly artistic in the craftsmanship to catch my eye. And, I'm less intersted in the entire person as I am in the part or section I find intriguing.

I'll need to give you the once over to decide if there particulars I'd want to you to capture. LOL.

BTW, what happened to our group photo? I'd hang that for sure.

katrice said...

If you don't want your weekends filled, that's another reason for you not to have children.

The "slept too much" headaches, I kick myself over every time, because almost always, I actually woke up earlier without the headache, but lazily went back to sleep.

You'd make an excellent attorney.

Funny how the West Virginian was included with all the other nationalities! I've always said that Louisiana is a whole other country. Maybe that goes for West Virginia too.

Maybe if the non-dancer hadn't been so busy watching your butt, he would have had time to move his ankle out of the way. If this makes it to court, counter-sue for sexual harassment.

Christina_the_wench said...

I think I love you in that non-lesbian way. You love sleep, no chore weekends, B&W photography and meeting diverse people.

Life is good and should be enjoyed. I remember these days....pre-children and husband. *sighs* Can I live vicariously through you?

Lex said...

@ Katrice

Thanks for reason #493 not to have children. Maybe by 500, I'll be totally convinced and stop counting!

I would love to be an attorney. The problem for me will be sitting still for 3 years to learn how. LOL

And, the butt-watcher needs to know my NAME at the very least if he wants to sue me. I do know that much!! I think I'm ready for the courtroom now.

@ Christina

I love you in that non-lesbian way too!! Welcome.

I think we can reach an agreement. I'll live the "I really wanna have kids" part of my life through you and you can live the "no kids and getting rid of hubby" life through me. Once ex is totally gone, I invite you to my single again and LOVING it life. Deal?

heartinsanfrancisco said...

Sounds like a truly scrumptious weekend. I also noticed W. Virginia listed among foreign countries, but having lived in the South, thought nothing of it.

Foreign is as foreign does.

It's great that you call yourself Beautiful Lady. I'm sure it's true. I've never reached that level of intimacy with myself, though.

heartinsanfrancisco said...

Wonderful photos!

~Macarena~ said...

KMF and Lex: Left or right depends on whether it's pierced, right?

I think Lenny Kravitz and Janet Jackson should totally date because they have rings on opposite nipples. No trifling tangling during terrific tangling!

Anonymous said...

I feel you!
(in that non-lesbian way of course!)

KMF said...

@ Lex

LOL. I gues WHAT you are going to do ith me is give me a once over in my God given Glory so you can choose your shots. And I know you already know that I am 150% serious!! LOL.

@ ~M~ LOL. That would be a major decision?!?!? Too bad I don't have any nip jewelry ... **sigh** And Janet and Lenny together would be hot but I would fear for the child's fashion sense. LOL.

@ Lex (again) I could give your a really glamourous and maternal shot in black and white with my smooth chocolate skin up again a crisp white background with a single drop of breastmilk falling out caught in mid air or maybe midsplash. If you want nails in the pic too I could even give you a stream...huh?!?! I think the mid air drop shot sounds almost too hot for me to be giving away for free! LOL. Let me know. There is an expiration date on this milk! ;)

Lex said...

@ Heart

The W Virginian was perhaps the most foreign of them all. LOL

The Beautiful Lady thing is relatively new. I don't think I ever thought I was ugly, but there's a certain pressure not to believe you're beautiful. As if to believe you're beautiful = arrogance or conceit.

I'm sure you're beautiful. I believe most people are, in their own ways. I can find beauty most places and in most people. You're definitely beautiful in all the ways I can't see.

Thanks. I love the pics too.


I KNOW you are serious. There was never a doubt in my mind.

If I were interested in the maternal shots, I would have picked from the pletora of baby feet shots they had. No thanks. Don't want to bring that energy into the place. Not yet, at least.

You are a crazy, crazy woman.

That's why I love you.

Now, I'll hang your pregancy black and whites. Those are gold.